Summer Recap & News to Share

literacy and music


It was approximately a year ago that I set a goal to write a blog post every other week. I’m happy to report that I met my goal during the school year and it’s fun to look back at all the fun content I was able to add to my website. A few favorites that prompted the most engagement with my readers:

Here is a quick link to posts that include FREEBIES for you:

I had intentions of continuing throughout the summer, but quickly realized it was not meant to be. Spending time with my three children and taking care of our LARGE garden soon took priority.

The most exciting news of the summer is that all three of my children were reading chapter books without any prompting at all. Last summer, my son had just finished first grade and while he was reading when I asked him to, he didn’t yet have that voracious appetite for books. Fast forward to this summer and the first thing he would grab every morning when he woke up? A book, of course!

At the top of this post is one of my favorite series of pics from the summer. My eight year old boy spent at least half an hour in a tremendous variety of positions reading on the slide. My middle child literally read a chapter book nearly every single day, I kid you not. I wish she would have kept a list. My older daughter read the entire Anne of Green Gables series!

The kids and I also spent several weekends at Aunt Sonya’s house. She hosted a fundraiser rummage sale for my niece, little “Miss Bug,” who is battling Leukemia. They had fun going through their toys for stuff to sell, preparing baked goods, staffing the lemonade stand, and popping popcorn. They also had a tremendous amount of fun buying items at the sale and, of course, hanging out with family. I didn’t really think it was possible, but we raised a total of $1,200!

More exciting news: I was recently published in Imagine (more on this later) and I was interviewed by Rachel Rambach over at her podcast, Guitars and Granola Bars. I surprised myself by being nervous for this interview, but I also surprisingly really enjoyed listening to the recording. Check it out if you’d like to hear my professional story and my new analogy about the mindset I’m using for the elusive “work-life balance.”

I have lots of plans for sharing resources and information with you this school year, so stay tuned…

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