To celebrate National Reading Month and Read Across America Week 2024, I am sharing a list of my top five color themed books and resources. Books like these help kids learn their colors, of course, but it’s fun thinking about all of the other skills […]
Blog Posts

What Do You See? — A Series of Music-Based Books
Using Music-Based Books to Develop Communication Skills The original version of What Do You See?, was written in 2012. As a clinical music therapist, the goal I had in mind was to provide both visual cues and song cues for communication. The simple phrase structure […]

Top 5 Fall Books
Earlier this year in March, I celebrated both National Reading Month and Music Therapy Month by sharing my top 10 favorite singable books. As you know, I love books and am always finding new ones to add to my collection. This year I want to […]

Top 10 Singable Books – In Celebration of National Reading Month!
In celebration of March being both Music Therapy Month here in Wisconsin AND National Reading Month, I have put together a list of my top 10 favorite singable books. All of the books listed below are music based, fun, and educational. They will keep kids […]

Back-to-School Sale & Giveaway
Second Annual Back-to-School Sale Announcing Tuneful Teaching’s 2nd annual Back-to-School SALE! For me, “school” is year round because I feel like a sponge who is constantly learning, but this is to celebrate all our students and teachers/therapists who are gearing up for a return to […]

Best Creative Movement Song for Scarves: Blowing in the Wind
Counting My Blessings As the school year is winding to a close, I’m sharing a song and video resource with you. In my opinion, this is the best creative movement song for scarves ever created. It is extremely quick and easy to learn and a […]