Teamwork Required

teamwork music therapyThis picture of my two little girls reminds me of my childhood with my own little sister.  We were blessed to grow up in rural Wisconsin, spending the majority of our time outdoors.  We had a massive garden and helped our parents at a young age to take care of it all.  When I see this picture—taken more than 6 years ago—it always brings to mind the word “teamwork.”

Teamwork is essential to being a successful music therapist.  As a music therapist in private practice, I see children primarily in their homes.  In that setting, the team includes the parents, the child, siblings, and sometimes grandparents.  I work hard to communicate with other professionals on the child’s care team such as teachers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and ABA providers.

Part of my team is also my sister, Janet.  She has always been part of my team by lending a listening ear.  She has also sewn hundreds of items for my business—drawstring bags to organize instruments, movement props to make movement irresistible, and tote bags to help me lug all of my equipment.  Fifteen years ago, she started a home-based sewing business and has been passionately supporting music therapists around the world ever since.

Even though Janet is three years younger than me, it seems that she has passed me up in health knowledge and ability to tackle all things technology related.  She has an incredible faith and is so skilled at taking things one day at a time, even when things seem to be crumbling around her.

music therapyIn December, we learned that Janet’s five-year-old daughter, Piper, has Leukemia.  This info came out of the blue.  Having a child go through something like this is so difficult.  You can read more at Piper’s Caringbridge site here.  They live about ten hours away from us, so there is not a lot I can do to be part of Piper’s team.  That is difficult, but it brings me some peace to know that Piper is receiving music therapy during her weekly visits to the hospital.

And so, after all these years of Janet supporting music therapists, there is a music therapist on Piper’s care team.  On top of that, an entrepreneurial music therapist over at has designed a Leukemia awareness guitten and is donating all proceeds to Piper and her family.  Check it out here and consider becoming part of Piper’s team!

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